
Serving Bullitt, Jefferson, and Oldham counties in Kentucky and Clark, Floyd, and Harrison counties in Southern Indiana.

Recent Changes have been made to the following tabs:

News - Sites are now accepting appointments
Newsletters - February News N Notes
- 3 New Sites to Open in Feb 2025!
Slides - Updated

Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.

- Benjamin Franklin,
   in a letter to Jean-Baptiste Leroy, 1789

Tax-Aide sites in the greater Louisville area are now open and accepting appointments.

Please check our SITES page for more details.

General phone service is not available but questions can be referred to LouTaxAide@gmail.com

Welcome to the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide web site for the greater Louisville area, including Southern Indiana. Here, you will find valuable news, information and other resources. Key information that has traditionally been distributed by mail is now available online and accessible 24 hours a day.

AARP Foundation Tax-Aide services are available to all, with special attention to those age 50 and older. This is a FREE service provided at no cost to the taxpayer; tips and gratuities are not permitted. You do not have to be a member of AARP to take advantage of our services

The volunteers that make the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide service a reality can find timely information related to the tasks they perform. This includes Training schedules, Site locations and hours, and key Calendar events. Special password protected tabs are reserved for Active Volunteers and Leaders.

Our newsletter is primarily intended for our active volunteers and friends or associates of the Louisville area AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program. To secure a user name and password, send an e-mail to: loutaxaide@gmail.com.

Those who would like to take advantage of our Free services can locate one of the convenient locations through the Sites page. Our sites are generally open from Feb 1 - Apr 15. For assistance at other times, contact your local IRS or State Revenue Department office.

Administered through the AARP Foundation in Cooperation with the IRS

Updated:  February 2, 2025

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